A process of making a stuffed doll

Plush Stuffed animals are perfect toys for children, but even your adult friends might appreciate a soft cuddle buddy. A stuffed animal can be as simple or complex as you like, but whoever you make your stuffed animal for is sure to appreciate it.

Outline your doll design. You might choose a cartoonish image, or maybe you want to make something more true to form. In either case, take your washable fabric marker and draw the outline of your animal onto the side opposite your fabric pattern for two separate pieces your fabric.

Cut out the outlines of your stuffed doll. Use your scissors to follow the outer line you have drawn to outline your stuffed animal. The inner line will be your seam guideline. The marks where you will sew the two pieces of your doll together.

Decorate the front and back sides as you please.You can do this by adding bright spots across its body with a washer safe fabric marker. You might want to design your doll off of a vibrantly colored tropical variety. Draw a cute face or some contour lines for the eyes and have fun with giving your stuffed doll character.

Making plush doll tool
image sourced from : sewmamasew.com

Pin and sew together your two body outlines together. You'll want the guidelines you've drawn on your fabric facing each other. These will form the inside of your stuffed doll The extra line you drew as a seam allowance should be visible on both sides after you pin. Use this as your sewing guide. 

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Plush doll sewing structure diagram
image sorced from : prettytoys.ru

Remove your pins and add accents. You'll need to turn your doll right side out. Take the end opposite your stitching gap and feed it through the gap until the right sides are facing outwards. You can sew accents, such as your doll's snout if you've made one, to your fabric.

Stuff your plush doll. Take your stuffing and feed it through the gap you've left in your stitching. You'll want to pack it in until the doll holds its shape well, but you can adjust fullness to your liking until the animal is as firm as you want.

Tuck fabric inside the gap to reinforce the seam. Take one side of the fabric and push it through the gap in your stitching. Being sure you stitch the tucked as well to make a strong seam.

By understanding the process of making a plush doll, we can see that getting a plush doll requires considerable patience and creativity. In the first step of the process, draw designs, explore fabrics, needlework and other materials, and evaluate the results of the final product. All assessments, calculations and ideas can nurture your child to be more creative and patient. Buying a brand new plush doll, playing video games and playing mobile apps will never train your child to have these abilities.

Let us work with your child on a project, plan together, design your own cartoon characters, and create a plush doll together. In the process, you can build a good and trusting relationship with your child and improve your child's ability to solve problems. I hope everyone can enjoy the fun of them.


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